
Edinburgh fun

It's been an interesting trip for the most part so far.

A couple lost bags – The folks' bags didn't connect in London.

Not much sleep – Who really sleeps well on a plane?

Lots of drinks and salty food – My blood pressure is noticeably higher considering my Ring doesn't want to come off.

Aches and pain – Walking a couple miles a day on the rough and tumble sidewalks and cobblestone roads – Should have gone for a new pair of kicks. And these beds are horrendous.

No rain yesterday – Because I wore the rain jacket and jeans.

Concussion blasts – At 1p.m. everyday but Sunday at Edinburgh Castle a Howitzer is fired. I was waiting to shoot a photo of it when I nearly soiled myself at the blast.

Met Harry Potter – No, really! His real name is Harry Potter and he just married Sarah last weekend and were on their honeymoon from a town near Leeds. Great people. Even if Sarah is the boss.

More food and drink – Had a gluttonous amount of tapas at a restaurant with the Potters and nearly as much beer.

Sick people – My mom and Steve are feeling a bit ill today. Don't know if it was from the food or something else.

Rain today – Because I wore shorts.

We'll see what else pops up. I'm having a great time, other than the phantom vibrations of a phone in my pocket when I don't even have a phone in my pocket. I'm going to venture out on my own for a bit while the others rest up.


Heathrow Pacing.jpg

Patio Beverages


Family Photo

Meet the Potters

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