
A Stormy Day

She's been a nothing of her namesake. She's been absolutely wonderment and joy. Why she's been dealt the worst hand possible in the at times cruel game of life, I don't have a clue. I'm just happy I was able to spend more time with her. I pray I get to have more of her and her magic in my life. The odds are with the house though.....


Anonymous said...

Huh? See what doin' lines gets you?

JL said...

WTF Chuck: If it's easier for you to understand, my dog is having some health problems that will most likely end her life.

Don't forget that at times there are going to be posts on this blog that are merely for myself that others will not understand or care to look at.

Maybe this is one of those instances.

Chris said...

JL, sorry to hear about Stormy.

Dogs are a wonderful part of life. When nothing else makes sense in life, a dog is there without judgment to lick your face and listen.

That's magic indeed.

etienne said...

aw, man, i'm sorry to hear that. pets are definitely superior to people in a lot of ways.

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