
Week of Hoops

Shot basketball three days this week. Eight games total and decided that college is much easier to shoot than high school. The game is a bit more scripted and has a sense of flow. High school is a game of chaos and typically in a relatively poorly lit cave.

So here are some of my favorites from the Colorado versus Missouri game that I shot today. CU has lost seven straight games. Ouch! They seem to play well, but fall apart in the second half. Maybe next year, right? Was playing with a 400mm today. And I mean playing considering I left the monopod on my apartment floor. Handholding at a fast paced game like basketball was tricky, but actually a bit easier than with the monopod I think. I also wanted to get away from the standard baseline shooting position. It get's really old down there. The shoulders are paying for it though.

Still working up the images from the seven high school games at Centaurus in Lafayette. If I find some uniques in there I'll add another post. Until next time....






Quick clicks

Here's a couple frames I made on my weekend trip. Just things that caught my eye.




Intro PJ Class

While wandering around watching my Intro to Photojournalism students make photos, I made a couple frames just for fun. Was just playing with shadows mostly. Have a peek. I'll post some more interesting stuff after the weekend.






Was wandering around campus at DU today avoiding doing some much needed homework when I decided to make some photos. Made me feel like I was being somewhat productive. Until I went to class and was completely confused by Processing, again.

Someday I'll understand that dang code.




Tweets Visualized

Here's something different. It's a Wordle word cloud of my activity on Twitter. I've been fascinated with the various ways that people are coming up with to display data in the digital space. Here are other ways to look at the data in graphs from TweetStats. You can graph out any public Twitter user there.

Seems as though I'm talking about working, class and Twitpic as I shoot time while I'm going.

As more and more data is generated all across the web, people will need more effective ways to use and learn the info. Now if there was only a way to do photo clouds on Flickr...what would that look like I wonder? I guess I would have to be better about tags on my photos for that to work anyway. Or I guess try the Photosynth tool.

Found these and a bunch of other Twitter tips and tools here.